Knowledge Problem

Rock Is Dead: Long Live Paper, Scissors

Michael Giberson

The switch of local rock radio station WHFS to spanish pop has spurred a number of stories in the local media. Many have noted, as Lynne did, that the station was no longer what it used to be. (See Marc Fisher’s column from the Sunday Post: In a Way, WHFS Was Already Gone.) Still, it remained one place to look for a tune on the radio.

Today, in a second round rumination over at the Post, Paul Fahri looks at Rock’s slump on the radio: Rock, Rolling Over: Pressured by Other Formats and Ways of Listening, a Radio Staple Is Crumbling.

Fahri quotes Billboard magazine analyst Geoff Mayfield as saying, “The media is often tempted to say rock is dead. It isn’t.”

But as a radio format, rock may soon need support from listeners like you. Perhaps one day rock will be crowding jazz for airtime on public radio stations. Give at the $90 dollar level and get the Doors box set. And then some day, on PBS, “Rock: A film by Ken Burns.”

That’ll be the day.