Knowledge Problem

Welcome Liberty Belles!

Lynne Kiesling

New, fresh voices rock, especially when they are saying good things in compelling and interesting ways. Such is the case with Liberty Belles, five classical liberal women with sharp wits and intellects.

One post to illustrate the eloquence, from Clara on gay marriage:

I favor allowing people to draw up these contracts, but I reserve the right to think they are hogwash. When the government starts doling them out ? and broadening word definitions until language loses its meaning ? the result is like that of most any government action: a vocal interest group gains at the expense of the majority.

Therein lies the beauty of anarchy: nothing prohibited, nothing endorsed.

The comments are also interesting reads. It’s a good measure of a site that whether or not you agree with the author on a particular issue, you can appreciate the argument and its eloquence.

Are there really that few classical liberal women out here? Me, Virginia, Jane Galt, Courtney, Fey/Joanna. Does being a woman matter that much, or not? I don’t really travel in ideological chest-thumping circles, so maybe I’m missing the point. But I guess that it is striking to me that of all the economists out here, let alone the classical liberal economists, I am the only woman.
