Knowledge Problem

My, How They Talk!

Lynne Kiesling

In the little bit of the Roberts confirmation hearings I caught at the airport yesterday, I was struck by how much the Senators were talking. My first thought was that I, apparently erroneously, thought that the hearings were a chance to hear what he thinks. Silly, naive economist.

When I got home, the KP Spouse had them on the radio, and I made my observation to him. His opinion is that the bluster level is not higher than in the hearings we heard together in the ’90s. I don’t know. I can’t believe that my tolerance for their blather has fallen, or that I’ve gotten more impatient than I was in my younger-and-more-anarchist days.

Jim Lindgren’s probably got it right, and it’s the posturing for the cameras and lecturing.

I think I’ll shut up before I get myself in trouble.