Knowledge Problem

What I Did over Christmas Vacation

Lynne Kiesling

Woman does not live by economics alone (although sometimes I come pretty close!). I made this sweater:

This is the popular Rogue hoodie, which lots of folks have been knitting over the past two years. I started this in October, and finished it on New Year’s Day.

Yes, it was a lot of work, and for you economist non-knitters, this is a good pattern to illustrate the extent to which knitting truly is a mathematics hobby. Lots of axial and radial symmetry, and spatial logic.

Plus it’s beautiful and comfortable!

More pictures, taken on a gorgeous winter day in Chicago, after the fold.

Note the gorgeous Victorian buildings in the background; this is Armitage Avenue, one of the nicest streets in Chicago for strolling, boutique shopping, café-ing, etc.

Just to make sure it’s clear that we are in my fabulous hometown!

Showing off the side detail and the gorgeous plummy color.