Knowledge Problem

Tim Haab on the Politics of Gas Prices: Get Over It

Lynne Kiesling

Three cheers for Tim Haab for saying what I’m often too lazy or too cowardly to say:

So let’s take a look at the STUPID price gouging bill…

So we’ve now proven that Democrats are idiots. We’re halfway there. …

Republicans are idiots.

Since independents don’t matter, I conclude my proof. All politicians are idiots.

Look, in all seriousness. High gas prices are NOT an economic or political problem. They are the result of the natural workings of markets. There is nothing wrong with the market–and no reason, other than self-preservation and the false appearance of being able to do something, for politicians to intervene. Supplies are decreasing–both temporarily through unexpected refinery shut-downs and permanently through stock depletion. Demand is increasing–both in the U.S. and worldwide. Both of these will cause gas prices to rise and that’s good. If gas prices don’t rise, we will consume gas even faster and run out sooner. Higher gas prices encourage conservation and encourage investment in alternatives. High gas prices might be uncomfortable while we search for viable long-term solutions, but they’re more comfortable than the alternative: no gas and no solutions.

Yes. Go read him. Now. Please. Even if you are already convinced that all politicians are idiots.