Knowledge Problem

Current and Future State of Regional Wholesale Electricity Markets

Michael Giberson

What is the current and future state of regional wholesale electricity markets?

FERC wants to know, and so it has assembled a panel of experts to appear at a July 1, 2008, technical conference to be held at the Commission. All interested persons are invited to attend, and there is no registration required.

The conference also will be webcast – the official notices says it will be available for a fee, but the event page on the Commission’s web calendar says the webcast is free. I don’t know which version is correct, but maybe someone from FERC will clear up the confusion.

The agenda (as included in the second notice):

Review of Wholesale Electricity Markets

9:30 Opening Remarks

9:45 ISO New England, Inc.

Gordon Van Welie, President and Chief Executive Officer
Hung-po Chao, Director, Market Monitoring

New York Independent System Operator
Karen Antion, Interim Chief Executive Officer
David Patton, President, Potomac Economics

PJM Independent System Operator, Inc.
W. Terry Boston, President and Chief Executive Officer
Joseph Bowring, Manager, Market Monitoring Unit

12:00 Break

1:00 California Independent System Operator

Yakout Mansour, President and Chief Executive Officer
Keith Casey, Director, Department of Market Monitoring
Frank Wolak, Chairman, Market Surveillance Committee

1:45 Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator

T. Graham Edwards, President and Chief Executive Officer
David Patton, President, Potomac Economics

Southwest Power Pool, Inc.
Nick Brown, President and Chief Executive Officer
Richard Dillon, Director, Market Development and Analysis

3:15 South and West Regions

Charles Whitmore, Senior Market Advisor
Division of Energy Market Oversight, Office of Enforcement

4:00 Adjourn

For those of you interested in looking this stuff up on the FERC website, the official docket number is AD08-9-000.