Knowledge Problem

Who Invented the Automobile?

Lynne Kiesling

Lynne’s snark of the morning: If President Obama doesn’t know who invented the automobile, perhaps he should take my Western Economic History class this spring (hint: the inventor of the automobile was German). My spring class is already full and has a waiting list (which I find gratifying), but I’d make room for the President.

I’d make more substantive commentary on his proposals, but I’m too busy today actually working on smart grid things.

UPDATE: I would like to add here Nick Gillespie’s more substantive snark of the morning (he’s way better at it than I am):

Last night, President Barack Obama underscored that, despite being in the Senate for the past few years and his party being in charge of Congress since 2006, he’s just mopping up for the bungler in chief who preceded him. I yield to no ink-stained wretch in my vast and bottomless dislike of George W. Bush but let’s hold Obama’s feet to the fire here: He has consistently pledged to, you know, stop spending right after well, you know, he and Congress stop spending.