Playing with Color Schemes

Lynne Kiesling

Playing with color schemes today … some folks weren’t happy with the light text color of some of the text in the old color scheme, so I’m playing around with alternatives today. If you have a strong opinion about this simple blue-and-green, which keeps the blue-and-green that have been the KP hallmark since 2002, please leave a comment.

That is, for those of you who don’t just read from an RSS reader …

I’m also toying with the idea of putting the blogroll back on, as a static page; I had eliminated it to simplify the look and feel of KP, and because so many of us use a RSS reader nowadays. Please let me know if you have a strong opinion on that too.

And thanks for reading!

UPDATE: Yeah, this feels better, much better. I hope it improves your readability too. I had an informal focus group give me the Blackberry test as well as the desktop test in formulating these changes, so KP can go mobile! [cue excellent Who song … when I’m mobile, wheee hooo, beep beep!]

9 thoughts on “Playing with Color Schemes”

  1. Yeah, I know. The challenge with this is going to be managing tradeoffs; are blue links less of a problem than grey indented quotes? For my part, I hover the mouse over everything anyway, so in this color scheme the link goes orange and is more legible.

    Thanks for the feedback!

  2. Okey doke, so I punched up the intensity of all of the colors, because I agree with Mr. Casino that the grey schemes are more stylish than functional. I think this is an equilibrium that brings in some of the colors that I’ve used historically here, and that improve the readability of the site.

    Your comments always welcome!

  3. Yes, the new design is easier to read, and the links changing color with the “mouse-over” is sufficient. The only addition I would suggest is getting some kind of graphic over the Knowledge Problem title, something “electric distributiony”. You wouldn’t want to be mistaken for some blog by a lady with three kids and five cats 😉 .

  4. This is easier to read, but it really doesn’t have as much personality. Maybe that’s what Spud is saying… it looks so generic. Or to put it another way, it used to look Mac, but now it looks PC. [I didn’t mean for that to *hurt*…]

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