Knowledge Problem

Life Imitates Art: Nissan to Give Electric Car a “Beautiful and Futuristic” Noise

Michael Giberson

From the LA Times car culture blog Up to Speed:

A campaign backed by automakers and some lawmakers to make electric or hybrid cars noisier in a bid to increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists has taken a strange, “Blade Runner”-type twist.

Nissan sound engineers have announced that the Leaf electric car set for release next year will emit a “beautiful and futuristic” noise similar to the sound of flying cars — or “spinners” — that buzz around 2019 Los Angeles in Ridley Scott’s dystopian thriller based on a Philip K. Dick science fiction novel.

“We decided that if we’re going to do this, if we have to make sound, then we’re going to make it beautiful and futuristic,” Toshiyuki Tabata, Nissan’s noise and vibration expert, told Bloomberg. “We wanted something a bit different, something closer to the world of art.” (Links and LEAF image from source.)

The article points out that some people think we’ll download sounds for our future electric cars like we currently can download ringtones for phones. The Blade Runner police cruiser is pictured below, but if I’m going to get a futuristic movie-based car I’d rather have one of the Audi’s that Will Smith drove in I, Robot.

Can I get one that plays “Theme from Shaft”?

(Related story on Slashdot via Marginal Revolution.)