Knowledge Problem

Tres Amigas Project Discussed on Public Radio Show

Michael Giberson

My most recent 15 seconds of fame*: The Environment Report: The ‘Tres Amigas’ Project. (Or, if you prefer, you can listen to today’s full 4:00 minute news segment.)

In the segment I make the outrageous claim** that the project is located in an area where many renewable power resources will be built.  The Environment Report is public radio news service focused on environment issues, they were interested in Tres Amigas transmission project because it is promoted as a “renewable energy hub.”***


*Actually, my part is slightly less than 15 seconds, closer to 12, but fame is generally parceled out in 15-unit intervals and I want it all.  The Tres Amigas segment is about a minute long.

**Actually, I make the relatively obvious observation described, but I’m trying to develop a reputation for outrageous claims in case, later, I want a job hosting a cable news program.

***For more substance on the Tres Amigas project, read the USA Today story, try my guest post at Alt Energy Stocks or see the earlier posts here at KP on the topic.