Knowledge Problem

By the Way You Look Fantastic in Your Car of Audi Plastic

Michael Giberson

Audi said its “Green Police” commercial, shown during the Super Bowl, was meant to be funny.  Turns out that neither the Plastics Division of the American Chemistry Council, nor at least some environmentalists, were amused.  I found the ad annoying – I’m not sure why – but anything that can unite the American Chemistry Council with at least some environmentalists has something going for it, right?  (More on the ad controversy at USA Today.)

The folks at the chemistry council set up a response website, Green Police Confused, pointing out how the extensive use of plastic in the Audi A3 TDI helped the car win the “2010 Green Car of the Year” award at the LA Auto Show.  Now that’s funny.

For your viewing pleasure, first the Audi ad and then a celebration of the plastics in Audi’s “Green Car of the Year”:



HT to Tom Fowler, indispensable at NewsWatch: Energy.