Knowledge Problem

Othman on Pickens, Horseflesh, and Hypocrisy

Michael Giberson

Abe Othman at Constructive Economics has been reading Boone Pickens:

T. Boone Pickens, from his autobiography The Luckiest Guy in the World:

I believe the greatest opportunity lies in a free marketplace. There are powerful forces afoot trying to restrict that freedom in the interests of the vested and already wealthy.

T. Boone Pickens, in congressional testimony on a bill to prevent the slaughter of horses for food:

The whole thing, it’s a boondoggle on the American people…People that are for the slaughter should be forced to go down on that kill floor…The brutal slaughter of horses for consumption by wealthy diners in Europe and Japan cuts against our moral and cultural fiber — it’s just plain un-American.

Othman remarks, “Remember, if they can come after the horse slaughterers, they can come after the hedge funds.”

(Othman apparently remains under the the influence of Al Roth’s work on repugnance and markets – not that there is anything wrong with that.)