I’m pleased to announce that I have accepted a new position at Carnegie Mellon University, as Visiting Professor in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Co-Director of the Institute for Regulatory Law & Economics (IRLE), and Faculty Affiliate in the Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation, starting July 1.
Founded in 2004 at the Silicon Flatirons Program at the University of Colorado Law School, IRLE brings state regulatory commissioners and staff together for an annual seminar at the Aspen Institute to study and discuss the economics of closely-regulated network industries. The IRLE strives to bring a clear theoretical framework in law and economics to actual regulatory practice. Regulators realize that they confront deep challenges in the face of omnipresent, and accelerating, technological dynamism. Thus, the program is organized around five “prisms” of economic analysis: neoclassical economics, Schumpeterian innovation, transaction cost economics, public choice economics and experimental economics.
After serving on the IRLE faculty since 2004 and directing the workshop in 2018 while on the faculty at Purdue, I am looking forward to taking the IRLE into its next phase and continuing to provide education and connections between academic work in energy economics and technology and their applications in public policy.
In addition to directing IRLE at CMU, I will be President of Knowledge Problem LLC and will continue to work deeply at the intersection of economics and market design, public policy, technology, and grid architecture.
I also think blogging is long overdue for a renaissance, as a counterweight to over-simplifying narratives and political tribalism, so I plan to return to writing more here too.