
A Wireless Future?

Courtesy of Slashdot, this Business Week article discusses the prospects and hurdles for wireless, “wi-fi” networks. My favorite quote: Adds Ramesh Rao, director of the California Institute for Telecommunications & Information Technology: “History tells us that we cannot rely on the FCC’s ability to anticipate the future and write rules to allow progress.” In the …

A Wireless Future? Read More »

Why Doesn’t the Fcc Just Establish Spectrum Property Rights?

This story is not a tale of a successful privatization program, but is instead a cautionary tale of how regulation has created a worse outcome than privatization could. Technological innovation is enabling us to use the radio spectrum more intensively than before. This innovation is placing pressure on regulation and property rights issues in the …

Why Doesn’t the Fcc Just Establish Spectrum Property Rights? Read More »