
Chicagoboyz also has a post on the TotalFinaElf/Iraq oil connection, featuring the NY Times article that shows some even deeper connections than previously known.

The Lunar Men: Five Friends Whose Curiosity Changed The World

Tomorrow I start the section of my economic history class that covers the industrial revolution, so this Chicago Boyz post is exceedingly timely. They recommend Jane Uglow’s book, The Lunar Men: Five Friends Whose Curiosity Changed the World, in which she analyzes the intellectually fertile friendship of Erasmus Darwin, Joseph Priestley, James Watt, Matthew Boulton, …

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The Senate Energy Bill

Tom Lenard at the Progress and Freedom Foundation has analyzed the proposed Senate energy bill, S.14, and he has found it wanting. In the title he calls it a disappointment, which I consider an understatement. It’s full of money for all sorts of research, including the kind of technology commercialization research that should not be …

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The US Department of Energy has released projections of energy use through 2025. Take these projections with a grain of salt, knowing that they do not, and cannot, incorporate the dynamic changes and adaptations that are likely to occur as prices and technologies (for both production and consumption) change over the next 20 years. Still, …

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The US Department of Energy has released projections of energy use through 2025. Take these projections with a grain of salt, knowing that they do not, and cannot, incorporate the dynamic changes and adaptations that are likely to occur as prices and technologies (for both production and consumption) change over the next 20 years. Still, …

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The US Department of Energy has released projections of energy use through 2025. Take these projections with a grain of salt, knowing that they do not, and cannot, incorporate the dynamic changes and adaptations that are likely to occur as prices and technologies (for both production and consumption) change over the next 20 years. Still, …

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The US Department of Energy has released projections of energy use through 2025. Take these projections with a grain of salt, knowing that they do not, and cannot, incorporate the dynamic changes and adaptations that are likely to occur as prices and technologies (for both production and consumption) change over the next 20 years. Still, …

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The State Of Air Quality

Reason Senior Fellow Joel Schwartz and Stephen Hayward have analyzed the American Lung Association’s annual “State of the Air” report, and have some comments on the science and advocacy therein. Stephen Hayward and Ryan Stowers of the Pacific Research Institute have published their eighth annual Index of Environmental Indicators, and Joel Schwartz has a forthcoming …

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