Lots of good stuff in the waves today … I was particularly intrigued to find this March 2003 article by Brad DeLong on population growth, food growth, and the specter of Malthus. Just thirty years ago, people like Stanford University’s Paul Ehrlich were telling us that the Malthusian Angel of Death was at the door. …
Congratulations to singer-songwriter-pianist and fellow Chicagoan Patricia Barber for receiving a Guggenheim Fellowship. She’s great, a wonderful musician with an intellectually engaging style, both in her own songs and in standards. If you’re ever in Chicago on a Monday night, see if she’s playing at the Green Mill.
Congratulations to singer-songwriter-pianist and fellow Chicagoan Patricia Barber for receiving a Guggenheim Fellowship. She’s great, a wonderful musician with an intellectually engaging style, both in her own songs and in standards. If you’re ever in Chicago on a Monday night, see if she’s playing at the Green Mill.
Congratulations to singer-songwriter-pianist and fellow Chicagoan Patricia Barber for receiving a Guggenheim Fellowship. She’s great, a wonderful musician with an intellectually engaging style, both in her own songs and in standards. If you’re ever in Chicago on a Monday night, see if she’s playing at the Green Mill.
Congratulations to singer-songwriter-pianist and fellow Chicagoan Patricia Barber for receiving a Guggenheim Fellowship. She’s great, a wonderful musician with an intellectually engaging style, both in her own songs and in standards. If you’re ever in Chicago on a Monday night, see if she’s playing at the Green Mill.
Can Soybean Oil Replace Petroleum?
In some uses, yes, and that’s a good thing. Yesterday saw two articles on using vegetable oil as fuel, one at National Geographic and one at the New York Times. Using vegetable oil to create biodiesel fuel would reduce carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, particulate, and sulfur emissions relative to petroleum, according to the National Renewable Energy …
Some snappy Earth Day comments from James Lileks, who scolds the eco-scolds for their static thinking after taking an online eco-impact quiz: The quiz is so riddled with BS it?s hard to know where to start; like most of the doom & gloom models, it presumes static reactions to dynamic events: if everyone in the …
Some snappy Earth Day comments from James Lileks, who scolds the eco-scolds for their static thinking after taking an online eco-impact quiz: The quiz is so riddled with BS it?s hard to know where to start; like most of the doom & gloom models, it presumes static reactions to dynamic events: if everyone in the …
Some snappy Earth Day comments from James Lileks, who scolds the eco-scolds for their static thinking after taking an online eco-impact quiz: The quiz is so riddled with BS it?s hard to know where to start; like most of the doom & gloom models, it presumes static reactions to dynamic events: if everyone in the …
Some snappy Earth Day comments from James Lileks, who scolds the eco-scolds for their static thinking after taking an online eco-impact quiz: The quiz is so riddled with BS it?s hard to know where to start; like most of the doom & gloom models, it presumes static reactions to dynamic events: if everyone in the …