Many thanks to Megan McArdle for introducing us to Mimeograph, a new arts and culture ‘zine. Her article on stretching chicken out to get good, cheap meals is engaging and a fun read. In her comments on dining out with friends who are similarly impecunious, I particularly like her observation that dining with people who …
Was The Iraq War A Trojan Horse For Kyoto?
Yes, according to this Cato Institute article by Pat Michaels. Michaels argues that Tony Blair exacted a promise from George Bush to have the US participate more in global cooperation on climate change, in return for Britain’s support in Iraq. Michaels pulls no punches here: The Kyoto Protocol is wildly popular in Britain largely because …
Pork In The House Energy Bill? Say It Ain’t So!
The group Taxpayers for Common Sense has published an analysis of HR6, the House energy bill that passed last week. They pull no punches in claiming that The 5-inch thick ?Energy Policy Act of 2003? will do very little to reduce energy prices or increase domestic energy production. It authorizes $46.7 billion in new spending …
Privatize Those Iraqi Oil Assets!
I am working on an essay on this subject, but this Tech Central Station article from last Thursday by Ariel Cohen hits the highlights. An excerpt: The road to economic prosperity in Iraq will not be easily paved, but the post-Saddam administration can help the new Iraqi government achieve fundamental structural reform with massive, orderly, …
Arnold Kling picked up on my hydrogen engineering guest post last week, and put together a very insightful post on the topic. I strongly recommend the comments on the post — the commenters all made very important and useful points about the economic viability of hydrogen, wind, and solar power when we take into account …
Arnold Kling picked up on my hydrogen engineering guest post last week, and put together a very insightful post on the topic. I strongly recommend the comments on the post — the commenters all made very important and useful points about the economic viability of hydrogen, wind, and solar power when we take into account …
Arnold Kling picked up on my hydrogen engineering guest post last week, and put together a very insightful post on the topic. I strongly recommend the comments on the post — the commenters all made very important and useful points about the economic viability of hydrogen, wind, and solar power when we take into account …
Arnold Kling picked up on my hydrogen engineering guest post last week, and put together a very insightful post on the topic. I strongly recommend the comments on the post — the commenters all made very important and useful points about the economic viability of hydrogen, wind, and solar power when we take into account …
Apple Music And Vertical Integration
I am deeply intrigued by Apple’s proposal to buy Universal Music Group from Vivendi. For one thing, it’s an interesting example of vertical integration, and it may very well generate some new business models for aligning the incentives of artists, customers, and intermediaries. The existing recording industry structure, with record companies and their mouthpieces at …
Phone number portability: the key to telecom competition? Today a hearing will take place in DC District Court on the road to November 24, 2003. That November date is the standing deadline for phone companies to allow customers to keep their phone numbers when they change providers. To date, cellular phone companies have blocked this …