Knowledge Problem

The Manolo And La Coquette

Lynne Kiesling

Something else for which to thank the Manolo … his link to La Coquette, living la vie magnifique in the fashion industry in Paris. Quel dommage. I like living vicariously through her reports on Paris Fashion Week this week.

And I really, really like the Coco Chanel quote that one of her friends left in the comments on a recent post:

“Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future.”
— Gabrielle (“Coco”) Chanel

I’ll remind myself of that the next time I am preparing for a very important presentation/dinner/whatever.

BTW, have I ever mentioned that the KP cat’s name is Coco? Coincidence … I think not.