Knowledge Problem

More Energy Bill Stuff

Lynne Kiesling

Thanks to the guys over at 2 Blowhards for their recent link to my recent energy bill rant.

Since it’s generating readers, here’s more! But not from me. Here’s one from Jonathan Adler over at The Commons, with links to other commentaries. One of his links suggests that the “peak oil” corpses are shaking off their dust and haunting the halls of Congress. Rob McMillin is familiar with this, and buys into it, but he’s the Peak Oil Optimist! Check out in particular this long and thoughtful post on the matter:

For myself — and this blog — I accept the consequences of peak oil production, that is, the cheap stuff’s just about out.

While we’re on oil … the International Energy Agency forecasts demand growing more slowly in US and China, which has led to a slight decline in oil prices for July contracts.

I don’t have a problem with the peak oil argument. I do have a problem with the Chicken Little impersonations that it provokes in the political realm. In reality, what’s important is how we respond and adapt, and that means technology and creativity. All the more reason to move as many important decisions as possible out of the political realm, with the first step being removing deeply-meshed and labyrinthine energy subsidies.