Knowledge Problem

Tagged in the Meme of Four

Lynne Kiesling

I’ve been tagged by Aeon, so here goes (below the fold) …

Four jobs I?ve had
1. law school prep class instructor
2. library book reshelver
3. economics consultant/manager
4. college professor

Four movies I can watch over and over
1. Life of Brian
2. Pride and Prejudice (1996 BBC version with Colin Firth, yum)
3. Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkhaban
4. Fistful of Dollars

Four places I?ve lived
1. Chicago, Illinois
2. Virginia (Williamsburg and Richmond)
3. England (Manchester and London)
4. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Four TV shows I love
1. Monty Python’s Flying Circus
2. Blackadder
3. Firefly
4. ???

Four highly regarded and recommended TV shows I haven?t seen (much of)
1. Sopranos
2. Deadwood
3. Lost
4. Buffy

Four places I?ve vacationed
1. France (Paris, Provence)
2. Italy (Tuscany)
3. England (all over)
4. Hawaii

Four of my favorite dishes
1. Pizza
2. Lamb Vindaloo
3. Boeuf Bourginion
4. Pad Khee Mao (spicy Thai noodles)

Four sites I visit daily
1. Volokh Conspiracy
2. Marginal Revolution
3. The Manolo
4. ChicKnits

Four places I?d rather be right now
1. In London, but with a ginormous salary so I can afford to live there in the style to which I would like to become accustomed
2. Bozeman
3. Hawaii, the big island
4. Nowhere, just here in Chicago