Knowledge Problem

Triathlon Results

Lynne Kiesling

Finally, a moment’s rest to provide a triathlon update (thanks for asking, Susan!)! The Subaru Women’s Triathlon in Naperville, Illinois was Sunday. An action shot from my favorite part of the race, the bike:

My time was 1:36:59; the splits are

This constitutes an 8.5 minute improvement over my 1:45:35 last year! I placed 529th overall (out of 1604) instead of 972nd, a heartening improvement! I placed 80th out of 262 in the 40-44 age category, which is in the 69th percentile.

Qualitatively I can say that my ability to train by running made a huge difference in my overall fitness and preparedness. Last year my plantar fasciitis meant running on the elliptical, which enabled me to finish but was detrimental for my time. I found that 3-4 workouts per week, plus yoga once a week, and that put me in good enough shape to do well. Areas where I can improve without too much stress are a minute off of the swim, a quicker second transition, and some time off of the bike. Improving the run may be more than my biomechanically-challenged feet are up for, but I’m going to give it a shot.

Most importantly, I had more fun than last year! And many thanks to the KP Spouse, the KP Dad, and the KP Buddy Sharon for coming to cheer me on!