Knowledge Problem

Parents, Talk to Your Kids About Petroleum

Michael Giberson

You don’t want them picking up their ideas about oil on the streets:

And the education must begin early, he told a luncheon crowd of industry professionals at OTC.

“When we don’t inform our children about petroleum facts,” he said, “someone else is going to do the job for us.”

“He” is Abe Palaz, director of educational and R&D Partnership at Halliburton, talking about the engineering talent pool for the oil and gas industry, to an audience at the Offshore Technology Conference. The OTC, apparently the place to see and be seen in the oil and gas business last week, recently concluded in Houston.

The Houston Chronicle has had coverage, supplemented by the Chronicle’s own energy blogging at NewsWatch: Energy.

ADDED: A related story from the Houston Chronicle: Worker shortage looms large.