
Bienvenue A Paris

Lynne Kiesling Good to be here, although my absentmindedness in leaving home my melatonin has robbed me of what I call “the blissful sleep of the jetlagged.” I usually really enjoy the sleep the first couple of nights, but both Saturday and Sunday night saw me awake at 3AM. Hopefully I’ll shake it tonight, but …

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Back And Jet Lagged

But what fun we had! Museums and sites and sights and food and wine and shopping … on such a tromp that I did not have even a free waking moment to check my email. Now I wade back into the electricity policy …

Jet Lag

Woo hoo! Vacation was fun, lots of stuff happened here in electricity and oil while I was gone. Lots of catching up … which I started at 5 this morning. Aaah, jet lag!

Goin’ on Vacation

GOIN’ ON VACATION: My husband and I are attending a friend’s wedding in London this coming weekend, and are making a vacation of it. Periodic updates if interesting things happen.