OMG, I absolutely love this!! Capitalist Chicks is a refreshing, fun website. Their statement in their about section is eloquent and powerful: We believe that Capitalism is the only moral and practical economic system. Only Capitalism offers individuals the opportunity to create, produce and exchange freely with others. It is the only system that recognizes …
OMG, I absolutely love this!! Capitalist Chicks is a refreshing, fun website. Their statement in their about section is eloquent and powerful: We believe that Capitalism is the only moral and practical economic system. Only Capitalism offers individuals the opportunity to create, produce and exchange freely with others. It is the only system that recognizes …
OMG, I absolutely love this!! Capitalist Chicks is a refreshing, fun website. Their statement in their about section is eloquent and powerful: We believe that Capitalism is the only moral and practical economic system. Only Capitalism offers individuals the opportunity to create, produce and exchange freely with others. It is the only system that recognizes …