Knowledge Problem

What Do You Look For In Kp? Let Me Know

Lynne Kiesling

In anticipation of Movable Type 4.0 coming out of beta in the future, I have started thinking about feature, content, and design changes that might be desirable here. My short list:

So now I am asking you: what do you want to see here? Please share your feedback with respect to content, design, whatever. MT 4.0 is going to be a big innovation in functionality, so there’s a big opportunity to get things right.

Also, if you are more comfortable with MT and stylesheets than I am and would like to offer some technical advice, please bring it on! Although this site is primarily a professional outreach venture for me, I do it voluntarily and for fun (as does Mike, whose contributions are enormously valuable), out of the love of the idea creation process. Thanks in advance for your input.